Fen Wind Farm
12:00 PM
Posted by Energetic

The E-48 wind turbines for Fen Wind Farm on Conisholme Fen, south-west of the village, have the capacity to supply 24% of electricity needs in East Lindsey, with each producing 800kWe and a total of 16MWe, enough for 13,000 homes, being owned by Ecotricity. They have a hub height of 65m, a blade length of 24 m and an overall height of 89m. Construction began in December 2007, and was finished on April 17, 2008.
During the early hours of 4 January 2009, one of the twenty wind turbines, built by Enercon and designed by architect Lord Norman Foster, was damaged. National newspaper coverage speculated that it had been hit by an Unidentified Flying Object after local reports of strange lights in the sky. The story received coverage on the BBC, ITV News and Sky News.
Further examination revealed that parts of the initial reports were not correct and that the turbine may have suffered from metal fatigue instead.